Wildlife Garden
I manage the garden of The Hill House exclusively for wildlife and can boast an impressive species list of plants, insects, birds and mammals.
Recent unusual sightings in 2021 include lesser redpoll and twite and additions to the breeding birds in the garden this year are woodpigeon and pheasant. The tawny owl pair nested in their box again. Earlier in the year we were blessed with regular visits from 12 yellowhammers and over 50 rock doves while an otter ate all of the frogs before most of them even made it to the pond.
I have written one of my booklets about our wildlife garden.
Buzzard eating road-kill just outside the front window.
I am looking forward to the return of the swallows that nest on various ledges I have created in the garage and on the outside of the house. House martins nest too.
Siskins fight it out on the nyjer feeders with goldfinches and greenfinches.
All of the finches love the sorrel seeds.
One of the cheeky common lizards that sometimes comes to bask in the conservatory.